Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mark Today on your Calendar

Today, without being asked, of his own free will, my brother the engineer made dinner.  We had this ground beef in the freezer that needed to get used, so he decided to make lasagna.  Lasagna, by the way, is my absolute favorite food.  I was thrilled.  My favorite engineer is making my favorite food, how can this evening go wrong?

About an hour later I'm sitting in my room doing email etc. when my brother the engineer pops his head into my room.

"Well, dinner is ready, but you can't think of it as lasagna." Then he made that face he makes when he's about to say something that he thinks is really clever. "You see Kristina," he continued, "this is an issue of expectations.  If you go out to the dinner table expecting great lasagna you're going to be disappointed.  It didn't really work, what with there being too much beef and not enough sauce and the noodles got a little crispy.   However, if you'll follow me, there are fantastic pasta tacos!"

I was a little bit disappointed that we didn't have lasagna for dinner.  I was looking forward to lasagna.


They were good pasta tacos.

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